Traditional Dentures in Arlington, TX

Missing teeth can cause a lot of problems. Not only do they make it difficult to chew and speak, but they can also affect your appearance. Traditional dentures are a popular solution to missing adult teeth because they restore the function and appearance of your smile. 

Dr. Heather Martinson and her team in Arlington, TX, can restore your smile with traditional dentures. We offer: 

  • Full Dentures, which replace an entire arch of teeth by fitting to your gums. 
  • Partial Dentures, which replace a smaller number of teeth by fitting around your gums and natural teeth. 

With traditional dentures from our office in Arlington, TX, you can smile with confidence again. Dr. Martinson can help you regain the ability to eat all of your favorite foods and speak without feeling self-conscious about your smile.

Call us at
(817) 483-6699 to schedule your appointment today!

We Save Lives And Teeth!

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