How to Know if You Have a Dental Emergency in Arlington, TX

Heather E Martinson, DDS • Dec 10, 2023

Imagine your seemingly healthy teeth falling out, only to go on with your normal routine. You wouldn't, right? Unfortunately, many people ignore the signs that they need emergency dental care until there are complications (like lost teeth).

Not sure if you have a dental emergency in Arlington, TX? Prepare yourself! Read on to spot the signs you're in the midst of an emergency.


A Loose Tooth

If you have healthy teeth, they shouldn't feel loose or wiggly. Structurally sound teeth allow you to chew and speak without an issue. If a tooth starts to wiggle within its socket, it could indicate a serious problem.

For example, a sporting or car accident could cause oro-dental trauma (injury to the oral cavity, teeth, or mouth). About one billion people (including 20% of children ages 12 and up) worldwide experience oro-dental trauma. Without treatment, you could experience tooth loss or other complications that will affect your quality of life. 

An accident can damage the tooth or your jaw. It could become loose within its socket.

A severe infection can cause the nerves and tissue surrounding the tooth to weaken over time. You may have gum disease or an untreated cavity. Untreated cavities in permanent teeth are the most common health condition worldwide.

If a tooth is loose, the issue won't resolve itself on its own. Visit your emergency dentist in Arlington as soon as possible.

They'll pinpoint the underlying cause of your loose tooth to determine the proper course of treatment. They'll schedule X-rays and complete a visual exam.

Without treatment, you could lose the tooth or develop an infection. The infection could spread through your bloodstream, compromising your overall health. You may need to schedule a tooth extraction before complications arise. 

A Severe Toothache

A mild toothache can seem like a minor issue. If your pain only occurs occasionally, it's likely not an emergency. Have your dentist assess the area during your next routine check-up.

In some cases, a toothache can indicate a more extensive (and potentially life-threatening) issue. You should visit your Arlington dentist right away if your toothache is accompanied by:

  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • A fever
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Severe pain and discomfort

It's possible you've sustained serious damage from an infected tooth or untreated cavity. Both issues require emergency dental care.

Let your dentist know if your toothache is accompanied by facial swelling or bleeding. It's possible you have gum disease, which requires immediate treatment before it progresses.

Bleeding, Tender Gums

Your gums could start bleeding if you brush too hard or neglect to floss. However, bleeding gums are also a symptom of gingivitis. Gingivitis, or gum disease, is a bacterial infection that can develop due to excess plaque.

Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. When left untreated, gum disease can increase your risk of stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and heart disease. 

Visit your emergency dentist if your bleeding gums are accompanied by:

  • Bad breath that doesn't go away
  • Gums that pull away from your teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth pain/sensitivity
  • Tender gums
  • Red or swollen gums
  • A change in your bite (maloclussion)

Let your dentist know if you have trouble stopping the bleeding. You should visit your emergency dentist immediately if the frequency increases. Seek treatment if your gum pain is accompanied by fever, swelling, vomiting, or chills. 

Gum disease is reversible while it's in its early stages. Neglecting treatment, however, could compromise your overall health. 

A Swollen Jaw

A swollen jaw could indicate you have a serious infection, especially if you recently underwent a dental procedure. Let your dentist know if the swelling is accompanied by a fever, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or a bad taste. 

It's possible you have a salivary gland infection. This type of bacterial infection occurs due to a blockage that prevents your saliva from doing its job. 

While this type of infection is uncommon, it can become serious. Seek emergency dental care right away. 

A Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is an infection that can develop on the root of a tooth. It usually develops when patients have untreated cavities or gum disease. It can also occur if you have a cracked tooth.

Symptoms can include a foul taste in your mouth, a fever, or swollen glands. A dental abscess won't heal on its own. Seek emergency dental care and schedule a root canal right away. 

Your Arlington dentist can drain and treat the infection. 

Without treatment, the infection can spread to your jaw and gums. The tooth could decay. You may need tooth extraction surgery.

Constant Headaches

Let a dentist know if you have persistent headaches paired with:

  • Pain behind your eyes
  • A jaw that pops and clicks
  • A toothache
  • Sore jaw muscles

These symptoms could indicate you have bruxism (teeth grinding) or a misaligned bite. Bruxism can wear down your protective tooth enamel and potentially lead to cavities.

Your dentist may have you wear a mouth guard to bed. Your symptoms could also point to an infection or damaged tooth. 

Tooth Pain

Pain that radiates to your neck or keeps you awake at night could indicate a serious dental issue. Let your Arlington dentist know if you also experience facial swelling, throbbing in your mouth, or sensitivity. 

They may schedule X-rays to determine the root cause of your tooth pain. It's possible you have a cracked tooth or infection. 

If you notice you have a cracked tooth, visit your dentist as soon as possible. They could save the tooth before you require tooth extraction. Otherwise, they may have to replace the tooth with a dental implant. 

Treat a Dental Emergency in Arlington, TX

If you experience these symptoms, don't hesitate to seek emergency dental care. Recognizing a dental emergency in Arlington, TX, will ensure you receive immediate treatment. Receiving treatment as soon as possible can help you protect your oral and overall health. 

Facing a dental emergency? Our team at Heather E. Martinson Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is here to help. 

We're the leader in dentistry in Arlington, TX. We believe in the oral systemic connection; maintaining good oral health to help you avoid heart attacks and strokes. Contact us for emergency dental care today. 

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