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Same-Day Emergency Dentist in Arlington, TX 

When you have a dental emergency, it’s important to get care right away. Immediate attention from a professional dentist can reduce your pain, improve your healing time, and even save a knocked-out tooth.  

Dr. Heather Martinson, DDS, knows that emergencies rarely happen at a convenient time. That’s why she offers same-day emergency dentist visits at her office in Arlington, TX 76017.

What Is a Dental Emergency? 

A dental emergency is any instance where you or a loved one are experiencing severe tooth or mouth pain or have experienced oral trauma. It is something that needs to be fixed by an emergency dentist to relieve your pain and protect your smile.  

Often, dental emergencies happen because of an untreated oral health condition like cavities or gum disease. They can also happen from accidents while playing sports or participating in other daily activities. No matter their origin, dental emergencies serve as a painful, often scary red flag to let you know that you need dental care right away. 

Signs of a Dental Emergency 

Are you unsure if you need immediate dental care? Call us right away at (817) 409-7859if you’re experiencing any of the following emergency situations:  

  • Your adult tooth is loose or has been knocked out
  • You’ve had trauma to the face or mouth
  • You have severe tooth or gum pain
  • Your gums are bleeding and won’t stop
  • Your tooth is chipped, cracked, or broken
  • Your crown or filling has fallen out

Most Common Dental Emergencies 

If you are unsure if you need immediate dental care, take a look at the following symptoms of common dental emergencies:  

  • You have a loose or knocked-out tooth 
  • You’ve had trauma to the face or mouth
  • You have severe tooth or gum pain
  • Your gums are bleeding and won’t stop
  • You have a cracked, chipped or broken tooth
  • Your dental crown has fallen out
  • Your temporary crown from your root canal has broken
  • Your gums feel swollen or hot
  • You have a chipped or missing dental crown or denture
  • Your dental filling is missing
  • You’re having complications after wisdom teeth removal

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, call us at (817) 409-7859right away to schedule an emergency appointment. We will help you get seen by our trusted emergency dentist as soon as possible so you can get the relief you need.

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Cost of Dental Emergencies 

We know that when it comes to emergency dental care, you just need treatment, and you need it now. That’s why we strive to provide Texas dental coverage options for all ages that are flexible and affordable.  

We have several ways to pay for your emergency dentistry services, including:  

  • Cash
  • Credit or debit cards
  • Personal checks

We accept most dental insurance policies, and we’ll even work with your dental insurance provider to get you the dental care you need. We also offer several quick and affordable financing options to help you pay for your treatment over time.  

Your oral health is what’s most important. Call us if you have any questions, and our staff will be happy to help.  

Why Choose Dr. Heather Martinson, DDS for Emergency Dental Care? 

When dental emergencies happen, you need an Arlington emergency dentist with the knowledge and experience to help you experience relief and healing as quickly as possible. Dr. Martinson has been practicing dentistry for over 25 years, and in our opinion, she’s the best emergency dentist Arlington, TX, has! 

Our team is also skilled at treating dental emergencies, and we’re happy to help! As proud members of the American Dental Association, our goal is to set you up to achieve relief and healing in an atmosphere that feels friendly, safe, and comfortable. To help us do this, we offer: 


  • Anesthetics
  • Modern dental technology
  • Restorative dentistry
  • Family dentistry 

We’ll provide the emergency dental services and expert guidance you need to quickly experience relief with minimal discomfort. 

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Can I Avoid Emergency Dental Care? 

Many people put off seeing a dentist, often because they have anxiety about the dentist’s office, or they simply think dental care isn’t something they need to worry about. The truth is that your dental health is critical to your overall health.  

In fact, untreated oral health issues have been linked to a wide array of health conditions, including: 

  • Periodontal disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Diabetes 
  • Cancer

Routine dental care is important because it helps you prevent dental emergencies. If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, you should schedule a checkup before you need emergency dental care. This will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and reduce your risk of needing to see an emergency dentist in Arlington, TX.  

What to Do in a Dental Emergency 

If you suddenly find yourself with a broken tooth or missing dental crowns, you might think you should head to the nearest emergency room right away. But the best thing to do is stay calm and call for an emergency exam with your dentist. Not only can we provide emergency dental care, but we can also restore your smile once you’ve healed.  

We always work to get both new patients and returning ones in as quickly as possible and pride ourselves on creating an environment that is warm and welcoming to help ease your nerves. Once you get here, our emergency dental team will carefully attend to your situation. We’ll create a custom treatment plan to help remedy the problem quickly and with as little discomfort as possible. 

First Aid for Dental Emergencies 

Most dental emergencies can be mitigated with simple first aid steps:  

  • Broken teeth: If implants, crowns, or dentures have chipped, fallen out, or otherwise been misplaced in some way, make sure to find all of the pieces that you can and bring them to the office with you during your visit. The same is true for any teeth, or pieces of teeth, that have come loose or fallen out. 

  • Lost adult tooth: It’s important to keep the tooth and bring it to your visit with you, as we may be able to reattach it. When you first pick up your tooth, be sure to hold it from the crown and not the root. The root is the part we’ll need as intact as possible to perform potential reattachment. You can store your tooth in a container with milk to keep it moist. 

  • Oral pain: You may find it helpful to take an over-the-counter medication to help with any pain or swelling that you’re experiencing. You can also use a gentle warm or cold compress for the affected area to help ease any discomfort until you make it in to see our Arlington, TX, dental team.

Before and After Gallery 

  • Before

  • After

    • Before

    • After

    • What to Do if You Have an Oral Infection 

      Oral infections are a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition. Many people are unaware that they have an oral infection until they begin experiencing the telltale signs of extreme discomfort and painful swelling. The results of leaving this condition unattended are even worse, including things like gum disease, abscesses, and heart disease, and in some cases, it can even lead to death.  

      If you believe you might be suffering from an oral infection of any kind, it is imperative that you call our offices immediately for relief in Arlington, Texas. If your infection has become a dental emergency, meaning you’re experiencing severe pain or interruption of your daily life, our team of emergency dental experts is available to help you get quick relief.  

      Dr. Heather Martinson, D.D.S., and her talented team are proud to provide a calm, safe atmosphere to help you move through your time of crisis with minimal discomfort.  

      Call us today at (817) 409-7859or click hereto book your emergency visit.  

      What to Do if You Have Oral Swelling or Bleeding 

      You may be experiencing oral swelling or bleeding for a large number of reasons. Yet, the end result is always the same: extreme pain and discomfort that keeps you from living your daily life.  

      If your oral swelling or bleeding becomes extreme, or accompanying pain becomes too severe, reach out to our team of emergency dental professionals. We’ll get you into the office and outfitted with a treatment plan right away to help you begin experiencing relief as quickly as possible.

      When to Visit a Hospital Emergency Room 

      Our number one priority is your safety. You should go to the emergency room if you are experiencing severe trauma around or inside of the mouth, including the following:  

      • Broken or fractured jaw
      • Large gashes
      • Cuts to the tongue or inner throat
      • Choking
      • Swallowing of inappropriate materials

      Call 911 or seek appropriate medical attention immediately if you are experiencing any of the situations listed above or any other emergencies that threaten your immediate health and safety. 

      Frequently Asked Questions 

      • Can the ER help with a tooth?

        Yes. A visit to the emergency room can help with some severe tooth issues. Yet, they won’t be able to provide you with a complete suite of dental services, as you would receive at the office of Dr. Heather Martinson, D.D.S.

        A dental office like ours will be able to provide you with the emergency dentistry you need to feel better fast. For example, if you have an infected tooth root, an ER doctor may be able to help you with the pain, but they won’t be able to give you the root canal therapy you need to clear away the infection and save your tooth. Dr. Martinson can do that, which is why you should call us first if you have a dental emergency. 

      • How long can a tooth infection go untreated?

        Oral infections are nothing to sit on. Neglecting to handle a tooth infection can have severe consequences for your health. What seems harmless one day can land you in an emergency dentist's office, or even the ER with severe pain and life-threatening complications like sepsis.

        If you suspect you may have a tooth infection or oral infection of any kind, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment for emergency dentistry in Arlington, TX. Dr. Martinson will use her decades of experience to protect your health and well-being. Fast action to see a dentist could potentially save you from experiencing excruciating pain or worse down the road. It’s not worth waiting when it comes to infections. 

        Reach out to a trusted Arlington dental practice. Call us today at (817)-409-7859 or click here to schedule your appointment. 

      • Will a dentist pull an infected tooth on the same day?

        This is determined on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, pulling an infected tooth on the first day you come in to address it is the best option. Yet for others, it makes more sense to provide a round of antibiotics before removing the tooth. Our rule of thumb is to make sure that we develop the best treatment plan modern dentistry will allow for each individual patient. 

        At the end of the day, we make choices based on the health of each of our patients. So your treatment plan will be unique to your situation and will be designed to help you experience the fastest relief and long-term benefit. 

        Book an appointment today and one of our dental experts will be happy to develop a treatment plan specific to your needs. 

      • What helps unbearable tooth pain?

        When tooth pain is bad, it’s really bad. Knowing how to handle the tooth pain until you make it to your emergency appointment with our emergency dentist in Arlington, TX, can help. Here are some easy suggestions: 

        • Use over-the-counter pain medication to help alleviate your discomfort. 
        • Try gently rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution or using dental floss around the affected tooth to loosen any particles that may be stuck between your teeth and causing the pain. 
        • Use a hot or cold compress against the affected area. 
      • Will pulling a tooth stop the pain?

        This depends on where the pain is stemming from. In many cases, pulling a throbbing tooth does serve as an excellent way to relieve the pain, especially after the initial discomfort of the removal. 

        Yet, tooth extractions are not always the best solution to mitigate pain. In fact, sometimes procedures like root canals are more effective than pulling the tooth out. 

        This is why we come up with custom treatment plans based on your specific situation and what will serve you, your health, and your teeth the best. Reach out today to schedule your appointment and receive your personalized treatment plan. 

      Prevent Dental Emergencies with Dr. Martinson’s Expert Care 

      A dental emergency is no fun for anyone. It can be traumatic, painful, and costly. And the truth of the matter is, none of us needs to experience that! The best care is preventative care. Especially when it comes to dental work. 

      Sometimes a dental incident is a nice reminder to get back to basics with our dental hygiene so we can ward off dental emergencies going forward. While cosmetic practices like teeth whitening can often sound more exciting than simple dental hygiene, (like brushing with fluoride toothpaste every day), your future self will thank you for keeping it simple for a while.  

      It’s common to fall off the wagon with some of these, but the reality is that taking care of our teeth doesn’t have to be a big, fancy production. We don’t need a lot of crazy tools or time, and the recipe for great oral health will always be the same. 

      1. Schedule regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings (Click hereto book your appointment with Dr. Martinson now)
      2. Brush your teeth twice a day 
      3. Floss every day
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