8 Signs You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist in Arlington, TX

Jun 30, 2023

It is important to know when you have a dental emergency on your hands. Here are 8 signs you need to visit an emergency dentist in Arlington, TX.

Did you know that oral issues don't just affect your dental health? Tooth decay and oral infections impact the rest of your body as well.

For instance, gum disease has been linked to a range of illnesses, including heart disease and diabetes. 

Booking routine dental appointments can benefit not just your teeth, but your overall well-being. 

But sometimes routine checkups aren't enough. If you have a dental emergency on your hands (or rather, in your mouth), you need to visit a Dentist in Arlington, TX asap. 

Not sure if your situation qualifies as a dental emergency? Scroll on to find out 8 reasons why you might need to visit an emergency dentist. 

1. You're Experiencing Severe Pain

If you're experiencing severe pain in your mouth, this alone is enough to warrant a trip to an emergency dentist in Arlington, TX. 

Severe pain could indicate that you have a serious abscess or infection. Pain can also be triggered by an impacted wisdom tooth, oral trauma or injury, or advanced dental decay. 

The more persistent the pain, the higher the chance that your oral health issue warrants emergency services. Is the pain not subsiding with over-the-counter pain medication? If so, you should definitely book an appointment with an emergency dentist. 

2. You're Experiencing Bleeding That Doesn't Want to Stop

Uncontrolled bleeding is usually considered a dental emergency and can indicate a serious issue. It can also lead to excessive blood loss. 

Uncontrolled bleeding can result from injury or trauma to the mouth. For instance, if you received a strong blow to your face, your tongue, gums, cheeks, or lips could get injured and bleed profusely. 

An emergency dentist can evaluate the injury or source of bleeding. They will also be able to control the bleeding and treat the injury to ensure healing. 

If you've had a tooth knocked out or broken, your dentist will determine the best way to replace that tooth. 

3. You Have a Knocked Out Tooth

Speaking of knocked-out teeth, this also constitutes a dental emergency. Having a tooth knocked out is a significant injury to your mouth. 

It can be incredibly painful and trigger profuse bleeding. A knocked-out tooth can also have serious long-term repercussions if left untreated. 

In some situations, your dentist might be able to replant the tooth. But, you have to seek prompt treatment. 

If you wait to have your tooth implanted, there is less chance that your dentist will be able to save the tooth. This can cause you to need more expensive, intensive dental treatments such as a dental bridge or an implant. 

If you don't have the knocked-out tooth treated, this can increase the risk of infection. Failing to replace a knocked-out tooth entirely can result in surrounding bone and tissue loss. A missing tooth can also impact the alignment of your jaw. 

This in turn can trigger headaches, jaw pain, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth. 

4. You Have a Loose Tooth

Maybe you haven't lost a tooth entirely, but instead are dealing with a loose tooth? This too can be a dental emergency. 

A loose tooth can result from injury, such as an impact to the face. It can also stem from infection. 

If you notice that one of your teeth is loose (and you're not at an age where you can expect a visit from the tooth fairy), you should seek dental care as soon as possible. 

5. You Have a Cracked Tooth

Hairline cracks in teeth aren't usually an emergency, but deep cracks can be a serious situation that requires immediate dental care. 

Cracked or fractured teeth can be incredibly painful, especially if the sensitive inside layers of the tooth are exposed.

Cracked and fractured teeth can also be vulnerable to infection. It's critical that you seek immediate oral health care to prevent further damage and complications. 

6. You Have an Abscess

Dental abscesses are severe tooth or gum infections. They present themselves as a pocket of pus, which creates a painful lump on the gum. 

The source of the infection is usually at the tip of a tooth's root and is triggered by bacteria entering a tooth through a bad cavity or crack. 

Some symptoms of abscesses include:

  • A throbbing, excruciating toothache that extends into your jaw (or even your neck or ear)
  • Fever or temperature swings
  • Severe swelling in your cheek, neck, or face (in some cases, it might even interfere with your breathing)
  • Sensitive, swollen lymph nodes
  • A nasty odor in your mouth

Although abscesses can be temporarily controlled with antibiotics, they should never be left untreated. 

Not only are abscesses highly painful, but the underlying infection can also spread if not promptly treated. Untreated abscesses can be dangerous and lead to serious, sometimes life-threatening complications. 

7. You're Experiencing Swelling

Any time you experience severe swelling in combination with a toothache, you should take swift action. 

Swelling is usually a sign that there's an infection present. Although a tooth or gum infection can sometimes subside on its own, it can also quickly get worse. 

If you're dealing with a tooth infection, it's always better to tackle it in the earlier stages before the infection can spread or do more damage. 

8. Your Filling or Dental Crown Has Fallen Out

Having a filling or dental crown fall out isn't the end of the world, but it can become a serious issue if left untreated. 

If a filling or crown becomes dislodged, this opens up the potential for infection. Your tooth may be left with an opening through which bacteria can enter.

To avoid this, get dental care right away if your filling or dental crown has fallen out. 

Are You Looking for an Emergency Dentist in Arlington, TX?

If you're experiencing severe pain, or swelling, have an abscess, broken, loose, or knocked out tooth, or a fallen out filling or crown, you might need emergency dental care. 

Are you in need of an emergency dentist in Arlington, TX and aren't sure which is the best dentist to choose?

We provide both regular dental and emergency services. Your oral health is our top priority. Book an emergency appointment with us to receive prompt dental care. 

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